Friday 7 September 2012


We were told in our various leadership/training classes in the past that every good and great leader must be able to sell his vision and dream to his/her followers/subordinates if he must succeed as a person. This is a philosophy that has sailed across boards of corporate management, religious leadership including our families. We were taught integrity, communication skill, punctuality, consistency, discipline, patience, perseverance etc. In other words,we were taught how to work on the psyche of followers in one way or the other in order to achieve certain objectives. Doing this,
we are able to gain their loyalty, devotion, and dedication towards the accomplishment of a given task. And at the end, we remunerate them based on our own sense of judgment or what our contemporaries pay in the market place. We believe that is all. So, we pay less attention to their families, esteem, sense of belonging, social lives, emotional needs and general well being.

The question is, why and how did some organizations fail and great visions never saw the green light of the day despite the application of this principle? Where are Arthur Andersen and Enron Energy today? These were arguably some of the great organizations that collapsed in the United States about a decade ago, just because some high profiles within the organization decided to abuse some accounting principles and processes in order to carry out some dubious acts, in which no one was bold enough within the organization to challenge them. This is one of the things that happen when the Center is perceived as “Mr know it all”Can we now say this principle is not applicable in all cases? Or is it that those leaders that failed in the past did not sell their visions to their followers appropriately? Many questions but we seem to have just few answers.

 I am not saying such gimmick does not work again.But it has its own risk.It gives room to pretense, hard feeling, hypocrisy, betrayal especially among those who feel being used to carry out  greedy/selfish agenda etc.This is why our employees collect what we give to them periodically especially in an environment where the unemployment rate seems high, but once they see a better ground, they say bye to us. Then, we go back to our recruitment process all over again and the cycle continues.This increases our implicit and explicit cost in the long run.
Don’t you think it is high time we had some adjustments on this ideology if we must really improve on our leadership performance, relationship, family etc.? In as much as I am not nullifying this “selling your vision”syndrome, I think we will all have a better and more fulfilling result if we make it a “win win and win situation” especially at the leadership/management level. This is a situation where our visions and dreams are designed in such a way that everyone will come across is also made a winner in the end. In which their own goals and dreams are also met in the process of carrying out ours. 
Here, they do not just work to carry out our dreams and visions because of our level of influence on them in one form or the other, but because they also have something to benefit from the process in the end.So, everyone sees the project/vision/dream as his/her own. Then, they will be left with no choice but to give in their all. If anything goes wrong, everybody feels the heat.These are things that will develop them career wise, family and improve their general well being.
There is no limit to what we can achieve as a team if we do not care who gets the crown in the end. This is the mentality of great men and managers. It is a management style where every stake holder is a winner to the least person in the rank. This achievement does not come by coercion or manipulation of the minds of our subordinates. Here, they are not just doing our work because of the periodical remuneration in which their well being might be worse-off after achieving our own visions and goals as we have seen in some laid off staff in a recent times. This is not an era where people are used and become worse off in the end.
Then, who is a great leader? A great leader is not just that man or woman that gets his/her work done or meet a target by all means. But someone who takes adequate consideration in the well being of individuals that make up the team and making them winners without jeopardizing the primary goal of the mission. 
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INSPIRED: Taiwo Akinseye
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