Saturday 25 August 2012


In 2003, the former American president, George Wilson Bush decided to invade Iraq. So he issued out a forty eight hours ultimatum to the then president of Iraq, Sad am Hussein and his sons to quit office. The non compliance of this order led to the invasion and their death. The topple of the Iraqi government took the American Marine just few months. Even though there were some aftermath events that evolved after the whole scenario such as suicide bombing, and sectarian violence etc and
which led to the death of thousands of the American soldiers. But that is not the bone of contention here.

The amazing thing is that, the Iraqi government had longed been overtaken long time in the mind before the first fighter jet landed in Baghdad.
As far as George Bush was concerned, Sad am Hussein was already a corpse as at the time he was issuing the ultimatum. It is only an insane person that will embark on a project when the feasibility report says failure.

The mind of a man is the gateway of his accomplishment. God will not bless a man beyond what is mind can carry. He told Abraham to look from where he was standing. I believe it was not just the physical look but a look from the mind. Paul was not addressing unbelievers when he said “let this mind be in you”. Any student that does not see success ahead of the examination can never do well. Any woman that does not firstly see herself as a married woman in her mind may remain a spinster for the rest of her life. Any tenant who does not see himself as a landlord in his mind, will not cease from paying rent. Any wife who does not see herself in her mind as a mother will remain in the party of the fruitless for a long time.

There is always a link between your faith in God and the state your mind. As a man thinketh in his heart so he is. You are the image your mind reflects. That is why those who saw giants in their minds never got to the Promised Land. Those who roll out arsenals before having victory in their minds will return back as casualties. The reality of your dream does not end in the mind but starts there. A scholar once said, “any project that is firstly captured in the mind is 70% accomplished.

How do you build your mind?
1, Strive to always be in the company of those who are above you in knowledge, skills, exposure etc.
2, Read quality books including the Bible.
3, Always locate a suitable place to think for yourself.
4 always choose a good thought and criticize constructively.

Tunde Adenuga

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